302 SENSITIVE DROPS: Introduction

This product contains the Avogen 302 molecule and provided for introduction to sensitive skin. New users often are coming out of skin addiction especially from exfoliation practices or excess product use. Skin can be very unstable for a period of time. We find the application of REVIVE as a cleanser and moisturizer during this ‘rehab’ will often settle the skin and prepare it for 302 SENSITIVE DROPS.

This is NOT a product for acne troubled skin, or for very oily skin. If you have recently exfoliated, wait 30 days before introducing 302 SENSITIVE DROPS.

The product will help in visible improvement to thin, poorly textured skin that tends to over-react to topical products.

Key to improvement: limit your other products, such as moisturizers. Systemic moisturizing (sustained) versus topical moisturizing (temporary) from resilient cell buildout will occur with careful and limited product selection.

302 SENSITIVE DROPS often works as a transition product to more powerful concentrations as found in 302 DROPS and 302 SERUM. But many find that 302 SENSITIVE DROPS works for them and see no need to switch up.


  1. Apply 302 SENSITIVE DROPS three times (3x) per week, evenings. Spread with CALMING MIST
  2. After one month you may add either C 12.5 DROPS / C 12.5 SERUM or A 0.5 DROPS / A 0.5 SERUM once (1x) per week.
  3. Minimize other products, especially makeup and moisturizers, avoid sunblock chemistry. Use REVIVE as cleanser, alternate with other cleanser, like 302 CLEANSER. Use REVIVE as moisturizer, too, especially if skin is unstable.

TIP: Instead of CALMING MIST, use REVIVE to spread 302 SENSITIVE DROPS. Use REVIVE as a cleanser and a leave-on moisturizer to help keep visible blemishes in check.

For your skin if these conditions exist:

  • Have not used exfoliating acids in 30 days
  • Are benzoyl peroxide free for 30 days
  • Not inflamed or visibly unstable
  • Normal/dry
  • Sensitive but not visibly unstable
  • Light to average makeup usage

Not for your skin if these conditions exist:

  • Oily
  • Many blemishes and acne flare ups
  • Heavy makeup usage
  • Heavy moisturizer usage
  • Exfoliating or using benzoyl peroxide
  • Unusual oral medications causing skin instability (i.e. chemo, cortisones, thyroid meds) may reduce 302 SENSITIVE DROPS activity or cause erratic skin behavior.

Recommended frequency of use:

  • Three times (3x) per week (observe and adjust)
  • Do not apply another active more than once (1x) per week while using 302 SENSITIVE DROPS
  • After one month discontinue current active(s) regimen and allow skin to rest for a 7 days before resuming. This will allow skin reactions further out to be fresh and not weakened by over frequent or prolonged application periods.


(Note: two or three cleansers are recommended to be cycled through per week for best skin results)

Additional actives while using 302 SENSITIVE DROPS:

  • Do not introduce another active for 2 weeks.
  • Do not apply a second active more often than 1x per week.

Additional leave-ons acceptable:


  • Exfoliation
  • Scrubs
  • Heavy makeup
  • Benzoyl Peroxide