302 SELF TANNER – MIST: Introduction
The key is to use fresh and well formulated product. Older products, usually on the retail shelf for a year and often poorly formulated ones that use co-ingredients that rapidly break down the active one, will turn your skin orange.
302 SELF TANNER MIST is always very fresh and the formula design is proven in over ten years in the professional market.
The active ingredient is a carbohydrate that browns the skin and is much the same reaction that occurs when browning meat in a skillet. SELF TANNER MIST browns the non-functional cells in the upper layers of your skin. Your skin may in fact feel warm during the process that lasts several hours to completion.
The darker look lasts only until new cells emerge. About a week or maybe ten days at most. It is just like a sun induced tan, only without the damaging UV rays.
Self-tan has only a very minimal effect against UV rays, so it is not a protection against them, by the way.
You could re-apply the product every week for continuous color.
Applying this to your skin can seem involved but it amounts to understanding what you are working with to make practical sense of these instructions.
For larger areas beyond the face and neck, SELF TANNER – MIST is usually preferred over the SELF TANNER – GEL.
- Cleanse with FACE & BODY BAR. Pat dry. Many times skin that is oily or with some residues darkens very unevenly. Wash very well and be sure skin is dry before application.
- To protect hairline from discoloring, carefully apply a vegetable oil (such as MOISTURIZING DROPS) to hair along hairline. Use wetted hands to spread the DROPS.
- Dry skin area to be sure DROPS are not on skin where MIST will be applied.
- Apply to a small area and work in overlapping circles. Small sponges are perfect and really the only practical method for face and neck area when using MIST for this at home procedure.
- If the application area extends beyond the face and neck, sponges are optional. The use of nitrile gloves can be helpful when using the MIST to spread especially if you have a willing assistant.
- The product has a noticeable tack as it absorbs so it is easy to know where you have already applied it.
- The more you apply the darker your skin will get, up to a point. There is no added benefit to soaking your skin.
- Wash hands immediately after application. Use FACE & BODY BAR or the equivalent.
- Avoid constant fabric contact for four (4) hours after application. Shirt collars can easily be temporarily stained. The stain will wash out.
- Do not apply any other topical product to applied areas for eight (8) hours.
For your skin if these conditions exist:
- Normal/dry/oily
Not for your skin if these conditions exist:
- Dermatitis
- Noticeable inflammation
Recommended frequency of use:
- As needed (observe and adjust)
Cleanse options:
- Any of our lotion cleansers (302 CLEANSER, SENSITIVE CLEANSER, etc.)
Additional actives while using SELF TANNER – MIST:
- Limited to a few days before to end of self-tan – so avoid for about a week to ten days to maintain tan.
Additional leave-ons acceptable:
- Any but only after 8 hours of initial application.
- Scrubs
- Acid peels
- Benzoyl peroxide